The neglected humanistic potentials of the Qur’an and its interpretations in classical exegesis (tafsīr) is clearly visible in the commentaries on Qur’an verse 3:64 which calls for a statement of equality or commonness (kalimatin sawā’in) between Muslims and people from other faiths (’Ahl al-Kitāb or People of the Book i.e. people of previous revelations and religious constructs). The majority understood this verse purely as referring to the doctrinal differences between Islam and other religions, but some scholars clearly understood that this verse also had social implications, as the “sawā’in” used in this verse refers to social equality, just as “‘adl” in verse 42:15 refers to equitable justice. Both verses can be compared as both refers to the relation “between us…
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In my academic research on human rights concepts in classical and modern Islamic thought, the Qur’an exegesis of the medieval lexicographer and ethicist Rāghib al-Isfahānī (d. 502 AH/1108 CE) is one of the most fascinating works I have come across. There is little known on Rāghib‘s life, but most of his works have survived. He wrote works on Arabic literature and grammar, but he is known especially for two works; his theological-philosophical work on society, Shari’a and human welfare, which has influenced Islamic scholars as al-Ghazālī (d. 1111 CE), and his Qur’anic lexicon (Mufradāt fī gharīb al-Qur’ān) which for centuries has been a general reference for Qur’an scholars and commentators. Lesser known is his Qur’an exegesis (tafsīr) which has partially survived (it…
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Roepen moslimgeleerden en intellectuelen over de hele wereld op om een jurisprudentie van het begrip “burgerschap” (li-ta’sil mabda’ al-Muwaṭanah) te ontwikkelen, die inclusief is voor diverse groepen. Deze jurisprudentie zal geworteld zijn in de islamitische traditie en beginselen en rekening houden met mondiale veranderingen. Sporen moslim onderwijsinstellingen en overheden aan een moedige herziening van educatieve curricula die eerlijk en effectief enig materiaal behandelen dat aanzet tot agressie en extremisme, leidt tot oorlog en chaos, en leidt tot de vernietiging van onze gedeelde samenlevingen; Roepen politici en besluitvormers op om de politieke en juridische stappen te nemen die nodig zijn om een constitutionele contractuele relatie tussen de burgers te vestigen, en alle formuleringen en initiatieven te ondersteunen die gericht zijn op…
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Encyclopedia entry on the origins of and development of Jihad as a term for holy war, just war, and ethical and spiritual struggle. Arnold Yasin Mol, “Origins of Jihad”, Great Events in Religion: An Encyclopedia of Pivotal Events in Religious History, ed. F. Curta and A. Holt (ABC-Clio, 2017).
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Encyclopedia entry on the Rise of Islamism, Extremism, and Islamic Counter Responses. Arnold Yasin Mol, “Rise of Islamism, Extremism, and Islamic Counter Responses”, Great Events in Religion: An Encyclopedia of Pivotal Events in Religious History, ed. F. Curta and A. Holt (ABC-Clio, 2017)
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