
The Humanistic Implications of Qur'an 3:64 for religious pluralism

The neglected humanistic potentials of the Qur’an and its interpretations in classical exegesis (tafsīr) is clearly visible in the commentaries on Qur’an verse 3:64 which calls for a statement of equality or commonness (kalimatin sawā’in) between Muslims and people from other faiths (’Ahl al-Kitāb or People of the Book i.e. people of previous revelations and …

The Humanistic Implications of Qur'an 3:64 for religious pluralism Lees verder »

Voeding in de Koran Eet en drinkt van de Levensbehoeften die God schenkt

In de Koran omschrijft Allah zichzelf als “Hij die voedsel geeft maar niet wordt gevoed.” (Sura Al-an’Aam, 6:14). In sura ad-Dzaarijaat (51:57) staat bovendien dat Hij niet wil dat de mensen en de djinn Hem in levensonderhoud voorzien en voeden. In tegenstelling tot de mens heeft Allah namelijk geen voedsel nodig. Maar alhamdulillah heeft Hij …

Voeding in de Koran Eet en drinkt van de Levensbehoeften die God schenkt Lees verder »

Be Martyrs for Human Rights: The religious humanistic concept of rights (Huquq) in classical Islam as seen in the tafsir of Raghib al-Isfahani (d. 502 AH)

In my academic research on human rights concepts in classical and modern Islamic thought, the Qur’an exegesis of the medieval lexicographer and ethicist Rāghib al-Isfahānī (d. 502 AH/1108 CE) is one of the most fascinating works I have come across. There is little known on Rāghib‘s life, but most of his works have survived. He wrote …

Be Martyrs for Human Rights: The religious humanistic concept of rights (Huquq) in classical Islam as seen in the tafsir of Raghib al-Isfahani (d. 502 AH) Lees verder »

Koranverzen zijn geen wiskundesommen Interview over 'Adam of Aap?'

Hoe kijk je naar de wereld en naar God? En welke plek neemt wetenschap hierin in? Zijn religie en wetenschap met elkaar in conflict of juist wél te combineren? In de zesdaagse cursus Islam en Wetenschap – ‘Adam of Aap?’ gaan docenten Arnold Yasin Mol en Kamel Essabane hier dieper op in, en met verrassende …

Koranverzen zijn geen wiskundesommen Interview over 'Adam of Aap?' Lees verder »

Laylat al-Qadr as Sacred Time: Sacred Cosmology in Sunni Kalam and Tafsir

In this analysis we will show how the Islamic tradition constructs a sacred cosmology wherein a sacred space and sacred time are defined. In Sunni Islam only a few sacred spaces on earth exist, the majority belong to the world unseen (alam al- ghayb) and are not accessible for the common human. But when there …

Laylat al-Qadr as Sacred Time: Sacred Cosmology in Sunni Kalam and Tafsir Lees verder »

The denial of supernatural sorcery in classical and modern Sunni tafsir of surah al-Falaq: A reflection on underlying constructions

One of the main trends in Islamic modernism is the pursuit of rational exegesis of the Qur’an. As a response to this trend many of these Sunni Islamic modernists have been accused of being neo-Mu’tazilites because of their use of independent reason, the historicizing of the Qur’an, the emphasis on metaphorical interpretation of verses with …

The denial of supernatural sorcery in classical and modern Sunni tafsir of surah al-Falaq: A reflection on underlying constructions Lees verder »